b l o g

We find ourselves amidst an eLearning and distance education revolution due to the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic crisis, It's imperative that educators and professionals of all sorts are able to shift their efforts and take advantage of working with others, to share and learn essential virtual teaching practices. It may not be easy if you try to do it alone or with others who lack the experience and knowledge to actually help you in a proper manner. A well-organized initiative with a community of master practitioners around the world providing resources, support, training, and certification, is the Flipped Learning Network. Carolina R Buitrago, one of its leaders and promoters in Colombia, recently accompanied us for a lengthy and pleasant conversation about Flipped Learning and their Global Initiative, how to get started in it, her recommended list of books, experts to follow, and detailed advice on how to use one her favorite strategies, Hyperdocs. 

You can follow Carolina R Buitrago on Twitter @crbuitrago.



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